Experience Luxurious Flooring, Expertly Installed
Transform your home with our high-quality flooring solutions
Experience Luxurious Flooring, Expertly Installed
Transform your home with our high-quality flooring solutions
Transform your home with our high-quality flooring solutions
Transform your home with our high-quality flooring solutions
At Downing’s Flooring Services we offer a wide range of services from:
Site surveys,
Moisture Measurement and Control,
Uplift of existing flooring,
Levelling surveys,
Levelling and Smoothing existing screeds
Installation of Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) Products
Removal of Existing Skirting Boards
Installation of Skirting and Architrave
Installation of Entrance matting
All of these can be done as a whole or as individual jobs, please feel free to get in touch and we can see what we can do for you!
07964 375705